Automatic Exchange Rate Updates
Up until now you had to manually enter exchange rates. This can now be made automatic.
- Select which currencies you'd like to pull for updates on your Account Settings
- For the currencies you select, daily exchange rates will be entered in your account
Postmark Sub-Accounts
Up until now, all email sending was done via the central Pakk Postmark account. Now you can use your own sub-account.
- Talk to us to get the sub-account set up
- Enter the sub-account details on your Account Settings page
- Get login access to your Postmark sub-account
- View sending stats and reports
- Drill down into individual messages to diagnose sending problems reported by customers
- Unblock suspended email addresses
- Send from your own domain
- Build up your own domain reputation and isolate yourself from other Pakk tenants
- Email Sending FAQ
Demand Planner Strategies
Up until now the Demand Planner offered only a single strategy which tends towards significant overordering. Some business might wish to use other strategies
- Introduced 5 new strategies, ranging from 'Avoid Stockout Aggressively' to 'Minimise Outlay'
- You can now set a default strategy on the Accounts Settings
- You can also now set your default planning period on accounts settings
- On the historical yearly stats table we've sampled to show Avg/Week and Target/Week as well as the zero-week percentage
- On the historical yearly stats table we've greyed out data older than 3 years since its not taken into account in the forecasting calculations
- On the main demand planner list view, we've added a column to show percentage of zero weeks to help give you an idea of how much zero-week data there is for an item
- Demand Planner Tutorial
- Fixed a bug which was causing wrong 'supply by' date to show on Purchase Order PDFs